Quiz Name : Are you as smart as a grade 9 student?

Week : V16

MA 1. What is the result of (-5) + (-8)?

A - 13
B - -13
C - 3
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - -13

BI 2. Which of the following determines an individual's inherited traits?

A - Environment
B - Genes
C - Diet
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Genes

GEO 3. Which of the following is a non-renewable natural resource?

A - Wind
B - Coal
C - Sunlight
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Coal

CHEM 4. Which group in the Periodic Table contains elements like hydrogen and lithium?

A - Noble gases
B - Alkali metals
C - Halogens
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Alkali metals

PHY 5. Which temperature scale is commonly used in science experiments?

A - Fahrenheit
B - Celsius
C - Kelvin
D - ----

Korrekt svar : C - Kelvin

SS 6. Which ancient civilization built the Great Pyramids of Giza?

A - Ancient Greece
B - Ancient Egypt
C - Ancient Rome
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Ancient Egypt

PE 7. Which of the following should you do before starting any physical activity to prevent injuries?

A - do push-ups
B - Wear inappropriate footwear
C - Perform a proper warm-up
D - ----

Korrekt svar : C - Perform a proper warm-up

MA 8. Which of the following numbers is NOT an integer?

A - 0
B - -3
C - 1.5
D - ----

Korrekt svar : C - 1.5

BI 9. What is a Punnett square used for in genetics?

A - To study plant growth
B - To predict offspring traits
C - To measure blood types
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - To predict offspring traits

GEO 10. Which of the following is a renewable natural resource?

A - Natural gas
B - Timber
C - Gold
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Timber

CHEM 11. Which element is a noble gas found in Group 18 of the Periodic Table?

A - Helium
B - Sodium
C - Carbon
D - ----

Korrekt svar : A - Helium

PHY 12. Which temperature scale has water freeze at 0 degrees and boil at 100 degrees?

A - Fahrenheit
B - Celsius
C - Kelvin
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Celsius

SS 13. Which ancient civilization is known for the invention of the wheel?

A - Ancient Greece
B - Ancient Mesopotamia
C - Ancient China
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - Ancient Mesopotamia

PE 14. Which of these fruits is most beneficial for the body to improve Calcium deficiency?

A - Banana
B - Almond
C - Orange
D - ----

Korrekt svar : C - Orange

MA 15. Which of the following is a negative integer?

A - 7
B - -5
C - -2.5
D - ----

Korrekt svar : B - -5